Hotel Customer Service
Customer Service is the heart of hospitality industry as company’s overall success depends on excellent service offering, strong market position and winning the competition.
Many hotels and hotel chains worldwide constantly improve both the quality and products of provided services. Hotels train their personnel, create and implement different tools and support technologies to make Customer happy with both service and caring attitude.
The whole process of service consists of many small chains, therefore, to provide high quality service you have to focus on all aspects of work.
The use of hotel automation services and automated tools has a positive impact on the business process management service. For example, when hotels use analyses of hotel rooms, they avoid such bad situations when the guest still lives in the room but the room has been given to another guest or when the guest complains about the bathroom, the plumber get notification beforehand, plans his work and fixes the problem in the morning, furthermore, during his duty information on the problem will not be lost and will be stored in complaints management system.
Big hotels face these kind of problems every day and the loss of any information will make the guest feel disappointed with poor service. Due to automated systems room reservation, guest accommodation and the solution of current issues will be greatly improved. Due to reduction of time in receiving financial calculations, payments and documents, queue time will be reduced. Guests will receive high quality and quick service, the issues they raised will not be forgotten and they will highly appreciate that hotel administration takes care of them and values their time.